Hi there!

I’m an author + design leader creating experiences to better the lives of the people using them and the teams creating them.

You can find my latest book at Target or online at my publisher’s site or on Amazon.

Diana Deibel leaning against a rusted wall

About me

I’m currently the Chief Design Officer at Grand Studio (USA) where I lead teams to holistically solve both B2C and B2B experience problems. With a background in UX research and conversational AI, I lead my teams in creating multimodal experiences that serve both the business and the end user.

Over the years, I’ve evolved my career focus from storytelling to problem-solving to a blend of the two. Curiosity and care drive my decisions; humility and humor are how I get there.

Speaking + Writing

From academic institutions, to books to conferences, you can usually find me talking or writing on crafting better experiences for all included users within product, service and AI design.

I’ve collected a few of my favorite examples on  the Speaking +Writing page but I love that I’ve been able to participate with folks across private and public sectors including: Northwestern University, NYU, SXSW (‘19 and ‘22), CPHUX (Copenhagen), A11y Chicago, and VOICE & AI.


Due to NDAs I can’t share the details of my work publicly, though I’m happy to present work in more private settings. Please feel free to explore my Work page for some high-level case studies of the type of design work I get done.

TL; DR: Complicated, ambiguous problem spaces (and org structures) are what get me out of bed in the morning. You want a fresh approach to innovation, design discipline growth, and to have a little fun? Then you want me.

Favorite Industry

I love a new challenge, but my tried and true favorite industries are healthcare, retail, and hospitality.

I’d love to hear more about what your business or organization are up to, and how I can help bring clarity and vision to any strategy ambiguity.